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"How to Play Acoustic Guitar" is written by a very experienced guitarist and teacher and it takes readers on a journey from the fundamentals of guitar anatomy and tuning to progressively complex techniques, chord progressions and strumming patterns.

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"How to Learn Guitar" is a complete guidebook for beginners, providing step-by-step instructions, practical tips and insightful techniques that equips aspiring guitarists with the essential tools and strategies to master the art of playing the guitar.

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"100 Left Hand Guitar Chords" provides a great selection of essential chords, specifically designed to help beginners and those looking to enhance their skills. This book empowers left-handed players to unlock their musical potential and create beautiful music on the guitar.

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With its engaging style, "How to Play Left-Handed Guitar" unveils a step-by-step approach to mastering the instrument for left-handed individuals. Packed with practical advice, detailed diagrams and insightful techniques, the book covers everything from essential chord formations, strumming and fingerstyle patterns.

How to play left handed

Whether you're a beginner looking to master the essentials or an experienced player seeking fresh inspiration, this invaluable resource provides a vast collection of chord shapes, covering a variety of musical genres. A must-have for any guitarist!

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"100 Guitar Chords for Beginners" offers a carefully selected collection of essential chords. Each chord is meticulously explained with clear diagrams, finger placements and useful tips to help you develop a strong foundation and assist in expanding your repertoire.

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"Barre Chords on Guitar" is a comprehensive guide that unlocks the secret to learning one of the most challenging techniques in guitar playing. Whether you're a beginner looking to conquer your first barre chord or an experienced player seeking to enhance your skills, this book will empower you to master a diverse range of chords and elevate your playing to new heights.

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